"But now O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay and you are the potter, and we are all work of your hand..." Isaiah 64:8
An angelic host encircled the creator & watched with fascination as he caressed Adam's rib in his hands. The almighty lovingly trailed his finger along the smooth surface, then smiled as he set about sculpting the beautiful creature he had already fashioned in his mind. The angel's sang softly as he SHAPED, stretched, MOLDED and then connected bone upon bone to weave a lovely form. He had finished and designed an intricate network of all things vital to life and covered it with a smooth fabric of skin....
ANGEL: She is smaller and more delicate than the man...
GOD: yes, but I have knit into her undeniable strength...
ANGEL: and she is much softer...her body, her hair...
GOD: the softness is part of the fascination...
ANGEL: her body also dents in & out...
GOD: I call these...curves...They are part of her softness...
ANGEL: her body flow's, so UN-like the man's...
GOD: the 2 are designed differently so they might fit together as ONE...
ANGEL: can she feel?
GOD: Oh yes! She feels deeply, joy, sorrow and her heart is tender...
ANGEL: really?
GOD: pleasure awaits her, hidden deep withing, beneath the soft folds. Yet, all of her delicate skin responds to touch...
ANGEL: LORD, you have out done yourself with this creation. She is a work of art...
GOD: Yes, but she is also a gift.....She is my MASTERPIECE!
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